Peterbourgh Week Nights Slo-Pitch League
Built for players
by players
Everyone is Welcome!!!
Welcome to the Peterbourgh week nights slo-pitch league! Everyone is welcome whether you are a veteran slo-pitch player or a newbie that has never stepped onto a field. We are here to have fun and a few laughs with new friends and old and maybe learn a thing or two along the way.
Mission Statement
Our goal is to create a fun, harassment free environment for adults to enjoy the sport of Slo Pitch. We feel it is important that all participants feel safe when playing in this league of any intimidation or harassment of any kind.
To insure this, any league participant acting in any type of unsportsmanlike behavior or aggressive manner will be removed from the game. If removed the player is to leave immediately or the game will be defaulted.
Any player ejected twice in one season will be removed from the league for the year with no refund. Any player making any type of sexual or anti-gay remarks, or anything deemed disrespectful will be removed from the game and possibly the league, with no refund.
For our participants benefit, all league members and umpires will be covered by NSA Canada’s insurance plan. This will allow us all to enjoy the sport of slo pitch knowing everyone is fully insured and covered.

The Umpires
All umpires are carded NSA umpires, that being said they are not professional umpires but, like the players, they are recreational umpires and will do their best to call a fair game.
Players are to respect the umpires and they will be given the same rights as players when it comes to a harassment free environment in our constitution.